
Tuesday, 8 May 2012


State Estimation
State Estimation is a study of the Electrical Power System with a view of determining the state of the Electrical Power System at any given time using state variables which may or may not be measurable, observable or accessible. When measurements are made in State Estimation, these measurements are accompanied by noise. This noise has to be accounted for, for reliable and effective State Estimation.


  1. What I have leant so far
    This is the study of the power system with the view of finding the voltage distribution voltage profile using system topology and system parameters as well as various loadings at the various buses.
    We have two method of load flow analysis methods of load flow analysis namely -
    1. Gauses seidal and
    2. Newton Rxpsion method .

    what an acceleration factor , bus , types of BUSES
    What flow analysis is (ie the study of the power system after a fault with the view of determining the voltage and current distributions subsequently .
    The kind of faults i.e. balanced and unbalanced .
    What stability studies is all about , the study of power system to determine if the system will retain the synchronism after a perturbation .
    The types of stability studies i.e transient , dynamic and steady studies state .
    What state estimation is all about it is used to determine the the state of power system at any time using the state variable I also leant transformer equivalent cct , symmetrical components , long lines , short lines medium lines , y- bus matrix , per unit system synchronous generator single line diagram

    by Nwachukwu Ukaoha Peter

  2. Name: Okeiji Chukwunonso Kennedy

    Reg. Number: ESUT/2012/137613

    Department: E. E. E 500L

    Course: EEE 554

    EEE 554 Quiz: What I've learnt so far

    - Stability Studies: Is simply the study to check if a power system will retain synchronism after perturbation or a disturbance..

    - There are 3 types of Stability Studies namely;
    - Load flow analysis: is simply the study of the power system with the view of knowing the voltages at the various buses.
    There are two main types:
    1) Newton Raphson iterative method
    2) Gauss seidel iterative method

    - Fault Analysis: is a study of the power system after a fault has occurred, in order to determine the voltage and current distribution subsequently..

    - There are two main kinds of faults namely;
    1) Balanced Fault - one which affects the whole parts of the system and
    2) Unbalanced fault - one which doesn't affect the whole part of the system.
    Balanced faults are analysed using single phase equivalent circuit in the power system. Unbalanced fault are analysed using symmetrical components.
    - Symmetrical Components are a set of balanced Phasors which can be used to represent or resolve am unbalanced system of n related phasors into n systems of balanced phasors

    There are 3 major types of symmetrical components namely
    1) Positive Sequence component
    2) Negative sequence component
    3) Zero sequence component.

    - Transient Stability Study: This deals with the ability of the power system to retain synchronism after major disturbances such as Transmission system fault, switching operations.

    - Steady State Stability Study: Deals with the ability of the power system to retain synchronism after a small and gradual change (disturbance) in the system.

    - Dynamic Stability Study: Deals with the ability of the power system to retain synchronism after continuous small disturbances in the system i.e when the system is undergoing small gradual changes.
    In all stability studies, the objective is to determine whether or not the rotors of the machine being perturbed returns to constant speed of operation.
