Prayer is talking to and talking with God. When you pray,
you communicate with God. When you pray you commune with God. When you pray you
have fellowship with God. When you pray you interact with God. Pray is a continuous
exercise. Prayer is done continually. Prayer for the Christian never ceases. We
must pray at all times. We pray to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Spend more
time with God in prayer and He will transform you into His image. God loves you
very much and wants the best for you. Thank you and God bless you.
I learnt the Definition of fault, types of fault, causes of fault and meaning of fault analysis.
Fault can be defined as the flow of a massive current through an improper path which could cause enormous equipment damage which will lead to interruption of power, personal injury or death.
Fault Analysis can be described as the process of evaluating the system voltages and currents various types of short circuit.
Fault; usually occur in power system due to insulation failure, flashover, physical change or human error. Fault can be caused by short circuit to earth or between live conductors or by broken conductors in one or more phases.
1. Balanced and
2. Unbalanced fault.
NAME.EZE DARLINTON IKCHUKWU DEPARTMENT: ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGREG NO: ESUT/2011/111609 COURSE CODE: EEE554ASSESSMENT ON EEE 554What I have learnt so far on this course.Stability study is the ability to know if a system will retain its synchronism after perturbation. One may ask, what is perturbation? Perturbation is the influence on a power system that causes it to deviate slightly.A power system is assumed to be steady, but it is not. Under normal condition, a system is considered to be quazistatic, this means that the system changes continually, for the purpose of power system analysis, we then apply steady state analytic procedure. That is why this study is of a great importance to us.Because it makes you know the condition of a power system.Load flow analysis is a study of the power system with the view of knowing the voltages at the various buses using system configuration. There are two types of flow analysis namely; Newton Raphson iteration method and the Gauss seidal iteration method.Fault analysis is a study of power system after a fault with the view of finding the voltage and current distribution. There exist two main types of fault namely:Balanced fault and Unbalanced fault. In the balanced fault, it is easy to analyse compared to the unbalanced fault. When a faultis affecting the whole parts of the system, it is a balanced fault.In the unbalanced fault, we can analyse the system using symmetrical components. What is a symmetrical component? Symmetrical components are phasors which are balanced, but they are used to represent other phasor which may or may not be balanced.