
Monday 23 April 2012

Parental Responsibility

Parental Responsibility
Let us take a look at Jesus Christ and His Parents and learn from them.
Luke 2: 41 – 52
Vs 41 – 45 The parents of Jesus Christ took Jesus Christ to the temple. As parents, where do you take your children? Kindly take your children to God. Introduce your children early to our Lord Jesus Christ. Make an effort to go regularly to Church with your children. Go together with them. Study the word of God together and pray together. Grow up with your children and help them as they grow up.

Vs 46 They sought Him for 3 days till they found Him. Be patient with your children. Seek them for Jesus Christ until you find them. Do not give up on them. Pray for them spend time with them and talk with them. Seek them for three days until you find them. Search the scriptures with them.

Remind them that Jesus Christ was found in the Temple. Where will you and your children be found when people look for you?

Vs 47 Jesus Christ Had both understanding and answers.  When you patiently bring up your children in the way of the Lord, people will be surprised at what they will turn out to be.
Vs 48 The parents of Jesus Christ were amazed when they saw Him. The mother pointed out what they had to pass through to ensure His safety looking for Him and sorrowing. Be patient with your children. Do not be discouraged. If they do the right thing, encourage them the more. Direct them towards where they will learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ. Be patient with them. Correct them in Love. Pray for them.
Vs 49 Jesus went about His Fathers Business. As a father or a mother, what is your business? What do you encourage your children to do. Do what is right in the sight of God and God will bless your children as they do the same.
Vs 50 They did not understand. Sometimes we do not understand. Sometimes others do not understand us. God understands. Be patient even when you do not understand your children. Talk to God about them and be patient. Be patient with God as He works out His purpose in their lives. Be patient with them as they respond to the work of the Holy Spirit in them.
Vs 51 Jesus went with then and was subject unto them. Encourage your children to obey you. On your own part, obey God. Believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and it shall be well with you. You shall be saved. You and your house hold.
Vs 52 God blessed Him. God blessed Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ increased in stature and in wisdom and in favour with God and man. God will bless you and God will bless your children. Trust God and obey God. Believe in God and Believe in our Lord Jesus Christ too.

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