
Saturday 19 October 2013



HOLINESS is not an event in the life of a Christian.
Holiness is the very life the Christian lives.

The Christian is holy in all things he or she does, thinks or says  always.

This is because his holiness is of God that changest not.  Jesus Christ is our righteousness.

When you learn to dwell in the presence of the Lord continually, you are transformed into his likeness. When you learn to pray without ceasing and commune with our Lord Jesus Christ, you take on His nature. Peter walked on the sea so long as his eyes were stayed on Jesus Christ. Do the same and you will get the same result.

The Bible says, dwell in the presence of the Lord continually. Pray without ceasing.

The Lord wants you to be restored to HIM. When you become a part of HIM again, He will restore to you the joy of your salvation.

Salvation brings joy.

When you remember the things of the Lord it brings joy. Make a habit of remembering God and Godliness in all things and at all times and you shall rejoice all day long.

Do good when you have the opportunity. If God gives you another opportunity, do good again.

Cultivate the habit of thinking good thoughts.

Spend quality time with God. Cultivate the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let this mind be in you; which was in Christ Jesus. Be humble. Be obedient to the word of God. Believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.


Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice.

From the habit of having a pleasant disposition.

Learn to rejoice al all times.

Be joyful and thankful to God; and God will surprise you and keep you ever joyful and thankful all the days of your life. God will make sure that there is always something to be joyful and thankful about.  

In all circumstances there is something to be thankful to God about.

There is always something to rejoice about.

Ask God to let you know what you should rejoice about and what you should thank Him for .

Remember that Lazarus died and Jesus Christ spent three more days after He was told; that the name of God the Father may be glorified.  Mary cried and Jesus Christ wept; Lazarus rose from the dead and all rejoiced.

Again remember that Jesus Christ died on Good Friday and after three days He rose again from the dead.

W are saved because Jesus Christ paid the price.

Jesus Christ said

My peace I give unto you.
My joy i give unto you.
That your joy may remain.

My love i give to you.

I have loved you with an everlasting love and loving kindness.

This is the Lord and saviour we have in our Lord Jesus Christ who bore our infirmities and  who nailed our sins to the cross and has clothed us with a garment of righteousness that you and I may be saved now and always.

People are in bondage.

People are perishing daily.

Live a life worthy of His calling.
Live a life worthy of emulation.

Believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

show good example.

May the peace of the Lord be with you. Amen.

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