
Sunday 1 July 2012


Compassion Jesus Christ always had compassion Compassion always makes you to look kindly on someone. Compassion always makes you to think kindly about somebody Compassion always makes you to act kindly towards someone Christians always have compassion. Jesus Christ healed the sick(Lk7:1 – [13] 15),(Mt14:14 [14]- 21), raised the dead, fed the hungry(Lk9:10-17) and gave hope to the hopeless. God is love. When you love you have compassion. Jesus Christ used the story of the good Samaritan to illustrate this. In the story of a certain Samaritan, (Lk. 10:33) The Samaritan had compassion on him (The man who was attacked by robbers.) (Lk. 10: 30 – 37) Let us have Jesus Christ in our heart today and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ sincerely and have compassion always on others. Let us have a compassionate heart as sincere Christians. It will also help us to help others in need and to forgive others when they offend us. Thank you and God bless you.

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